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Arterial pressure should be measured in standing position or lying down after 5 to 10 minutes of rest. The numbers should be found high three different times to be able to talk about High Blood Pressure.

Two (2) numbers are measured:

  • Higher number: Systolic pressure which occurs when the heart (left ventricular) is contracting and the machine measures the vascular peripheral resistance.
  • Lower number: Diastolic pressure which occurs when the heart is relaxing.

The numbers are expressed in centimeters (cms) or millimeters of mercury (Hg). The normal numbers are:

-        For the systolic pressure: < 140 ml of mercury

-        For the diastolic pressure: < 90 ml of mercury

Levels of HBP

Systolic Pressure

Diastolic Pressure

Severe HBP

>  180 mm Hg

>  110 mm Hg

HBP Stage 2

>  160 mm Hg

>  100 mm Hg

HBP Stage 1

>  140 mm Hg et

< 159 mm Hg

>  90 mm Hg et

< 99 mm Hg


>  120 mm Hg et

< 139 mm Hg

>  80 mm Hg et

< 89 mm Hg



In the world

In 2000, the prevalence of HBP was 26,4% (26.6% of women and 26,1% of men). By 2025, it will be 29.2%. Among the 972 millions of adults with HBP, 333 millions (34,3%) come from “developed “ countries and 639 million (65.7%) from “developing” countries.

HBP is not a disease but represents a risk factor, if treated, avoid complications. The risk increases with the elevation of the BP and it’s recommended to keep the numbers the lowest it can be.

HBP is responsible of more than 8 millions of death per year in the world and more than 100 millions stay handicapped.